Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday

I used to feel so trapped to have to work in an office Monday through Friday, 8-5.
The very word "Friday" brought a wave of coming relief and anticipated joy like no other.

At 5:00 pm the radio station I always listened to on my way home always played an awesome song that celebrated Fridays matching exactly my feelings of release.
Feeling so relieved to be OUT of that job should have been a red flag to me about being IN that job. I will never miss that inner signal again.
I used to think I had to just hang tough with a hard job situation...try harder, pray more, get a thicker skin, etc. But, now I know I was just enabling people to abuse me, and that will never happen again.

Now, I welcome Friday but not so desperately...a much healthier reaction.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This weekend

This weekend I am excited to be going to my first Spring Conference as a member of the Nebraska Writer's Guild.

Tomorrow night we go for readings and mingling.

Then all day Saturday, the conference offers special speakers, hands-on workshops, etc. Yahoo!

I am going to take something I have written to read to the others, but I am not sure I will get the courage to actually read it.

Yesterday I read to a friend, one of the things I maybe could take. I cried through part of it (it still stirs me so much because it actually happened to me) so THAT is not a good idea...will look for something else.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Isn't it?

Isn't it wonderful to feel the change of seasons.

I think spring is especially wonderful. I do love winter, but there is something so refreshing about the raindrops kissing the earth to produce the brilliant green grass. And, the flowers seem eager to share their beauty.

I especially love the tulips. Last year I went to the annual tulip festival in Pella, IA and the bulbs I purchased then are now ready to display their winter bound glory. Wonderful!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My first

Today is the day I, for the very first time, have created and written in a blog of my very own.

I love working with my computer, and writing is my passion, so you would think this day would have come before,...but no. I have been hesitant.

For some reason, I felt writing in a blog would steal my creativity for doing "real" writing.

Silly, huh?!!